Software I use, gadgets I love, and other things I recommend.

I get asked a lot about the things I use to build software, stay productive, or buy to fool myself into thinking I'm being productive when I'm really just procrastinating. Here's a big list of all of my favorite stuff.


  • 13-inch, MacBook Pro, M2, 8GB RAM (2022 )

    Coming from an Avita laptop running Ubuntu-based Linux, the M2 MacBook provides better performance, seamless macOS integration, excellent battery life, and superior build quality.


  • JavaScript/TypeScript

    My go-to languages for web development, with TypeScript adding type safety and improved developer experience that makes large-scale applications more maintainable and robust.

  • PHP

    A versatile server-side language I frequently use with Laravel for building robust web applications, appreciating its mature ecosystem and excellent documentation.

  • C/C++

    Systems programming languages I use for performance-critical applications, with C++ being particularly useful for its powerful abstraction capabilities while maintaining close-to-hardware control.


  • Laravel

    My preferred PHP framework for its elegant syntax, robust features, and excellent developer experience, making it ideal for rapid application development while maintaining clean code.

  • React

    A JavaScript library I use extensively for building interactive user interfaces, particularly appreciating its component-based architecture and vast ecosystem.

  • WordPress

    The CMS I rely on for content-driven websites, leveraging its extensive plugin ecosystem and customization capabilities to create tailored solutions.

  • TailwindCSS

    My favorite utility-first CSS framework that speeds up UI development with its intuitive class naming and highly customizable design system.

Others Technologies

  • MySQL

    Relational database management system used for designing efficient schemas, writing optimized queries, and managing data persistence layers across various applications, with experience in performance tuning, replication, and data migration strategies.

  • Linux

    Extensive experience with Linux systems administration, shell scripting, and command-line tools for development environments, server management, and workflow automation across multiple distributions.

  • DigitalOcean

    Cloud platform utilized for deploying and scaling applications, with expertise in Droplets configuration, load balancing, managed databases, and infrastructure automation through their API and CLI tools.

  • Git

    Version control system powering all projects, featuring advanced usage of interactive rebasing, cherry-picking, and branch management for clean commit histories and team collaboration.

  • Neovim

    My extensively Lua-customized text editor with modal editing, rich plugin ecosystem, efficient command execution, and LSP integration for IDE-like features, with configurations available in my dotfiles repo.


  • Ghostty

    A modern, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator with excellent performance, clean interface, smooth scrolling, and great tmux integration with ligature support.

  • Tmux

    Essential terminal multiplexer for managing multiple sessions, splitting panes, and maintaining development context through detachable workspace sessions.

  • Lazygit

    A terminal UI for Git with intuitive branch management, staging, and conflict resolution, featuring Git tree visualization and keyboard shortcuts, integrated directly into my Neovim setup.

  • TablePlus

    Great software for working with databases. Has saved me from building about a thousand admin interfaces for my various projects over the years.


  • Be Focused

    A minimal Pomodoro timer app that enhances productivity through structured work intervals, break periods, and progress tracking with an unobtrusive interface.